Capabilities for Climate Change

An Interactive Workshop for GLAD Conference 2024

I recently had the opportunity run a workshop at GLAD Conference at Ulster University in Belfast. The conference had invited sessions to surface and discuss current ideas, opportunities, needs, issues, and concerns faced across the sector. It felt like a great opportunity to share the methodology used in a recent research project about Climate Change Education (CCE) in creative education.

The research was inspired by my work on Climate, Racial and Social Justice at University of the Arts London. As creative educators, we increasingly operate in a sector obsessed with frameworks, metrics and ‘outcomes,’ where attention is diverted to what is achieved. Far less attention given to the personal, social, and environmental factors that enable or constrain curriculum development in creative HEIs.

This session aimed to provide practical tools for participants to apply the Capabilities Approach in their own institutions, fostering a deeper understanding of staff needs in addressing climate change through education.